Thursday, April 29, 2010

The First Ethics of Engineering !

In the name of S.V.I.T.S and for the fame of all my respected and glorious seniors. May I have permission to materialize my thoughts and emotions into a brief speech.
(permission was given)

With Heart full of grace and Soul full of purity I wish you all a very cheerful & delighted evening(the ceremony was in evening). I would like to recapitulate since I was a school going lad. I wished I must never reach up to class 12th, b'coz I was afraid to be the senior most batch of the institution, where nobody is above you to provide shadow. Still, at school level true senior-junior relationship was missing. The true honor and respect from a junior could not be endeavored to a senior in school life. There was no decorum for the same.

On the other hand, my very first interaction with seniors at SVITS was really upto the mark. I saw a well defined set of Rules and Fundas, which every junior must be aware of and should follow to boost his/her manners and etiquette with true discipline.

I would like to expel phrases like ragging, being ragged etc. from the dictionary of my first year days. From the day of my "1st Visit" & till I became a senior, I feel, I have learned a lot of things such as truthfulness, unity, politeness, to bow before elders, to tolerate quips, jokes etc. on oneself, self control, to face crowd, public speaking etc. One of my seniors told me that most splendid qualities of an engineer are Honesty and Patriotism. There is no night for engineers, i.e an engineer is active 24 hrs, irrespective of day or night. This gentlemen suggested his juniors to wish him "Jai Hind" instead of Good Bye/Good Day.

All the time I felt as if, I underwent personality development. Moreover, I most willingly accept your seniority and whole heartedly thank all my seniors as they have contributed in this phenomenal process of personality development.

Occasion :- Welcome party for the first year students(2006-10 batch), hoisted by the seniors of Dewas, on 17th Sept,2006.

Tanay Mishra